Hi Sharon,

Hope this email finds you well. We are in Christchurch already for 18 months. Can you believe it?  We are well, had a rollercoaster ride until now. Some  highs and lows but mostly some highs.

Bernard are finished with his electrical exams and are registered on the board as a New Zealand electrician. He has been asked to take over as supervisor next year in his workshop. Started to play golf again and made some very nice friends.

I am finished with the Post Graduate certificate as a Well Child Provider and is a Plunket Nurse now. Just love my job. Learned so much about New Zealand and also met so many people.

Lize –  Mari started level 3 Early Childhood Education at Vision College this year. She is so happy. Did placements at a centre as part of her course. The centre where she does her practical has offered her a full time position as from next year. She is going to do her degree part time next year while working at the centre. She got her drivers licence and know Christchurch better than me and Bernard does.

Nicole loves school and is working so hard don’t even bother her that everything is in English. The teachers at school just love her. Everybody praises her for her good manners and respect she has for older people.

Just want to thank you again for all your help with relocating. We just love New Zealand and it is starting to feel like home. Still miss SA but is better every day.

We still recommend you guys to anybody that want to relocate.



 PS. Our first family photo in New Zealand taken September 2014.