Amazing new Life
Hi Sharon,
Lovely to hear from you! O yes, we have settled in nicely. Feels like we have come home. The children have adjusted exceptionally well and quick. My son is already speaking English with a Kiwi accent! Too adorable, He also did extremely well at his rugby club this year. Got player of the day awards, player of the month & was chosen at the end of the season as his teams rugby player of the year. We are so proud. They are really just flourishing! Mia has also adjusted better at school here then she did in South Africa. She just loves her teacher & has made a lot of friends real quick.
Our container also arrived at our house this morning, so everything is falling in to place nicely. Thanks for the update on the residency.
It is spring, but still feels like winter some days. We had a couple of cold days the last 2 weeks. Struggling in the evenings though to get the children to bed. It only starts getting dark around 8:30pm & the kids are like, why do they have to go to bed, it isn’t even dark yet!!!
We love our new life here in Christchurch. Words are not enough to describe how wonderful it is & how extremely happy and fortunate we are to be here. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for all your help and assistance. Without you guys we would have never been able to be here & have this amazing new life.
Have a lovely day.
Kind Regards,